Sunday, February 21, 2010

Alot can happen in 5 minutes

Before Jake 5 minutes meant nothing to me. Now 5 minutes means everything. Alot can happen in 5 minutes! Here are some examples:

1) 5 more minutes of SLEEP!
2) 5 more minutes before I have to wake him up to feed him
3) 5 more minutes left of him breastfeeding
4) 5 minutes to hop in the shower and rinse off
5) 5 minutes to fold laundry.....load 9,001..babies might be small but they go thru alot of clothes
6) 5 minutes to empty the dishwasher...for the 1,000,987 time
7) 5 minutes to talk to Kevin...I totally see now why marriages become strained after children. Now more then ever its important to make time for "us"..even if it's just for 5 minutes of uninterrupted talking.
8) 5 minutes to eat something quickly before he starts or crying again

I could go on but you get the point....

Ok, well I have 5 more minutes and then it's time to feed him again...see :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

What I know now....

Here are a few things that I have learned in the short 2.5 weeks of being a Mommy:

1) All of the things that I "had" to register for that I thought were "so important" aren't at all! When I went to register I had no clue as to what I was doing. I was scanning things based of a list they gave me and to be honest I didn't even know what half of the stuff was. I was certain that the important things were high chairs, pack-n-plays, tummy time mats etc. When in reality all you really need are lots of diapers, wipes, onsies, nipple cream, wash clothes,swaddle blankets and lots of love and patience! At least in the beginning...
2) I could have read 1,000 books and nothing would have prepared me for what being a parent is really like! Don't get me wrong there are some great books out there..some of my favs are Baby 411, Happiest Baby on the Block and I am still on the fence about Babywise. My friend Jennifer gave me some good advice...take the meat from Babywise and nothing else. So thats what i'm doing and I can successfully say that he is on a feeding schedule. He wakes up on the dot when its time to eat. Nothing beat hands on experience!
3) I have never dealt with some much poop or pee in my life. Jake is one poopy kid...I swear every diaper I change has poop in it! This morning was out of was never ending. Of course I was by myself and the only one to witness it...Kevin misses all the good ones :) Prior to having a baby changing diapers grossed me out but now that its part of my daily routine and that it's my babies poop it doesn't bother me at all.
4) Breastfeeding is alot harder then I thought!! I knew I was going to breastfeed Jake...there was no question that I was at least going to try! But man living my life in 3 hour increments is tough! Right now I feed him at 12am, 3am, 6am, 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm and 9pm. But really I am living in 2 hour increments cause its takes usually 45-1hour to feed, burpm change and then put him down and then the next thing I know its time to feed him again. Kevin has been a doll and he feeds him at 6 am so I get to sleep from about 3:45 am to 8 am...heaven! We introduced him to a bottle after 1 week. Kevin wants to be involved as much as possible and I knew that I would need a break at some point. He LOVES having that time with Jake in the mornings and I know how he feels. Even at 3 in the morning I look at his little face and fall more in love with him!
5) I am alot stonger then I thought I was. The first night we brought him home was the scariest night of my life. I had no clue as to what I was doing and I was scared to death that I was doing everything wrong. I have learned that mother intution really exists and I am trust my instincts. For example Jake was super fussy last weekend...very unlike him...nothing we could do would calm him down, he was pushing me away when I was trying to feed him, he wasnt was awful! So I started reserching his symptons and I knew it had to be acid reflux. Sure enough it was..poor thing! Kevin has acid reflux and I guess it's genetic :( Dr. Terry perscribed Zantac so we are now giving it to him 2 times a day. Before that I was giving him Mylicon, not sure it worked at all, then a friend gave me Gripe Water and I am still giving him that and I think that is helping along with teh Zantac. Then my friend Meredith told me about a baby probiotic that we went and bought and gave to him this morning. Too early to tell if its working or not but now I am struggling with how much is to much to give my child? I want more then anything to sooth his acid reflux but I also don't want to pump his body full of medicine!
6) There is no such thing as "me time" anymore. Simple things like showering, going to the bathroom, doing laundry, running to the grocery store are things of the past. Take today for is 4 pm and I am still in my pjs. I am very lucky since Kevin works out of the house. It allows me..on most get up around 7:30 or 8 shower, get ready, pump, eat some breakfast and drink some coffee before it's time to feed Jake. I know it will get easier over time. Yesterday I packed Jake and I up to go to my parents and go to the doctor and it took 2 hours to get out of the house! By the time I got myself ready, got Jake feed and ready, packed his bag, got him in his carseat, then got him in the car, put the stroller in the car..whew..I'm breaking a sweat thinking about it was 2 hrs from when started. I will have arms of steal by the time summer rolls around :)
7) Time really does fly and everyday he looks different and I need to remember to enjoy and savor it all!
8) Without Kevin I would be going crazy. Parenting is a true team sport and I can't imagine doing this without him. I have loved him from the minute I saw him but fell more in love with him the first time I saw him holding Jake.

I would post pictures but I can't figure out an easy way of doing it so as soon as I do I will post some!

Friday, February 12, 2010

What i've been up to lately...

Nothing new except lovin on these guys....

Everyday I hav the best of intentions of posting all the pics from the day Jake arrived....but then it's either time to feed, change, play or sleep! I promise I will get around to it soon. But in the meantime Jake is a blessing and I fall more in love with him everyday..along with Kevin who continues to amaze me everyday...I'm a lucky girl!