Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A typical Tuesday

Snapshot of how yesterday went down...12/4/12

6-6:30am-I hear Hudson talking and babbling and turn on the monitor and watch him for a few minutes. Then I get up and brush my teeth, splash some water on my face and throw my hair in a ponytail. I grab the bottle out of the fridge and drop it in the bottle warmer, best invention ever especially for my picky boy who only likes a warm bottle..not his fault I created that monster. Kevin has already left for work so the coffee is already made..score! I pour my first cup of coffee and go and get Hudson. He looks up at me and smiles like he has never seen me before and squeals cause he is so excited to see me! Best feeling!

6:30am-8am-Feed Hudson while drinking first cup of coffee. After his bottle I put him in the bouncer to play for a bit while I check my email. He entertains himself for a bit and then starts getting fussy so I lay him on the floor and we play for a bit. Currently we are working on sitting up.

8am-Put Hudson down for his morning nap. I hear Jake now so I go in to get him. First thing out of his mouth is "Where's Daddy"...good to see you too buddy! Daddy already left for work so its you and me kid. Jake goes to the pantry, opens it up and tries to decide what he wants for breakfast. I don't know why he does it cause he always picks the same thing..breakfast bar and milk. I pour him his milk and get him set up in his "spot", left cushion of the big couch, turn on the most recent dvr'd episode of Transformers Rescue Bots. I pump real quick  and go hop in the shower. I am lucky that Jake will watch the entire episode and hang on every word coming out of Cody's mouth which gives me plenty of time to shower. After I get out of the shower I check in Jake and he is usually playing in the living room while watching another cartoon. Big benefit to having a one story house is that the rooms are all close and I can pretty much hear him from my bathroom.

8:30am-It's a school day so I am now rushing to get Jake dressed which is quite the battle these days since he now cares about what he wears. Preferably shirts with trucks on them and sadly today all shirts with trucks are dirty so its a battle. It's almost 80 degrees around here so he is wearing a tshirt and shorts to school...gotta love Texas in December. I didn't pack his lunch the night before...dang I am throwing that together..he hardly eats anything I pack so really I could send him with just milk but I'm sure the school would frown upon that. At this point its almost 9 and we are already running late. I run and grab Hudson and throw him in his carseat and load everyone in the car.

9am-12pm-We are on our way to school and running late. After hitting every light we pull into the parking lot and I unload the boys and we run in. Today I am told that Jake's Christmas program is next Thursday morning followed by the class party that afternoon which I am in charge of. Great add that to my long to do list! Get back in the car and head to the Tolltag store. I called 3 times yesterday and was on hold for at least 10 minutes each time and never got anyone on the phone, annoying, so I have to go there. Of course its busy and the lady is rude but I get the new car added and we are good to go. I feed Hudson in the Tolltag store while we are waiting so he is happy and we are off to run more errands. Kevin's turning 35 on Friday, man he's old :), so I go and get his birthday gift. I venture to Bass Pro for the first time and I am the only woman in there besides the women that work there with a baby and i'm strolling the gun section. I was definitely out of place there and after wandering around aimlessly I find a nice guy that works there that answers my questions. I am sure I sound dumb as I know nothing about guns but he was nice and I ended up walking out of there with Kev's birthday gift so that's done. Note to self...take Jake back there cause he would love it! Lots for him to do. Finally we are off to Kroger. No food in the house and have to go. I get everything and i'm loading up the car and I grab the bag with the milk in it and the bag breaks and the jug hits the pavement and breaks and milk goes everywhere including in my shoes and all over my jeans so I am sopping wet with milk. I get Hudson back out of the car and go back in and get a new gallon of milk and am grumpy at this point and wet and ready to be home.

12pm-Get home and unload the car, Hudson is hungry again and so am I. I feed Hudson, put him down for a nap, put all the groceries away and finally sit down to eat lunch. This is my time during the day. I eat lunch while looking at email, FB, blogs whatever. Today I had to call about our FSA and HSA accounts..super fun. I am so confused by it all. Kev left a list of things for me to do and this was on the list. I "think" I asked the right questions and I "assume" I got the right answers. I guess when I explain it to Kev I will find out??

1:45pm-I pump again...necessary evil..then go and get Hudson up and ready to go pick up brother. Today I have a dentist appointment so I warm up a bottle to feed Hudson with while i'm there and put together a quick snack for Jake to eat in the car.

2:30pm-Pick up Jake and we are off to the dentist. I need gas but we are running late so we are riding on fumes. Thankfully my Mom is meeting me there to keep the boys occupied while I get my teeth cleaned.

3pm-I haven't been to the dentist in forever but I get a good report and Jake isn't too bad. Luckily my dentist is an old family friend so he doesn't mind my wild child in the waiting room. I always feel like I am 10 again every time I step into his office. Nothing has changed..even the posters on the ceilings are the same. I asked Dr. D to talk to Jake about how important it is to brush. Jake only like to eats toothpaste and not so much brush them. He is shy and super sweet to Dr. D and he tells him he will brush his teeth. We will see if that actually happens.


4:30pm-Finally get home. Contemplate going to the park like we do everyday but I am too tired today so we stay home. I pick up around the house, throw in some laundry and get Hudson's next meal ready.

5pm-Feed Hudson oatmeal followed by a bottle. I swear this kid is always hungry! Jake and I play and Hudson rolls around on the ground and I am already thinking about a glass of wine.

6pm-I just put dinner in the oven when Kev walks through the front door...hallelujah. I am surprised he is home since he said he would be late. I was supposed to go to a candle exchange party but cancelled since he said he would be late but I guess he's home now but I decided to stay home with my boys. I will see the girls next week. Kev plays with the boys so I can finish dinner and I am on my 2nd glass of wine :)

6:30pm-Sit down for dinner. Hudson is screaming cause he is tired and ready for bed but we power through dinner and I start the bath while Kev cleans the kitchen. Both boys are in the bath and we are singing Christmas Christmas this year with Jake...Hudson is happy again and things are good.

7pm-I get Hudson out of the bath, Kev steps in to watch Jake, and in his jammies and feed him an 8oz formula bottle, that he sucks down..didn't this kid just eat?? I then lay him down and he is out for the night. Jake would stay in the bath all night if we let him but at this point he is all Kev's so he can stay in as long as he wants.

8pm-10pm-Me time. Ahh Kevin and Jake hang out and eventually Kev puts him in bed and they read books and Jake "tells" Daddy about his day. I watch it all on the monitor. It's so cute. I am on the couch with my wine, I promise I am not an alcholic, and watching my shows thinking about what a long day it was. Jake is a night owl and will stay up all night if we let him. Tonight he has a screaming fit about wanting more milk and screams and's sad..but he is smart and knows we will give in and we do and then he screams for more. This literally goes on til 10pm when I tell Kev to let him cry cause he is playing us at this point.

10pm-Finally fall into bed to watch a show with Kev...Homeland..if you are not watching you are missing out..amazing! Jake is still awake in his room but I am too tired to worry anymore.


1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! I almost fell out of my chair when I saw your post pop up. I guess the grass is always greener. On one hand I'm sitting in my office - the only sound is my fingers on the keyboard. It's heaven compared to how hectic your day sounded. Oth the other hand I missing my kids faces every day and have NO time to run any kind of errands. My tree is half lit with no ornaments and I haven't had time to track down the last Christmas box with the 4th stocking!
