Thursday, December 13, 2012

Half way there

Dear Hudson,

You are 6 months old tomorrow! How did we already get to this point?? Where did the first half of your life go??? You are such a dream and we love you so much! Cheers to the next 6 months!


Here are your 6 month stats:

Weight: I am guessing you are around 18 pounds...we will find out on the 29th

Health: You got your first 2 bottom teeth! Just in time for Christmas. I was singing "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth" to you and then all of a sudden they came through! You have been a little fussy but nothing like your brother..thank goodness!

Sleeping: Sleeping through the night..yay! You want to be in bed at 7pm on the dot if not sooner and you wake up between 6-7am. You are napping 2-3 times a day. Your first nap is from 8-10 am and your second is between 12 pm and 1pm depending on when your brother goes down for a nap.

My #1 rule with don't go to sleep until brother does..Mommy needs 2 hours by herself.

Then lately you are taking a cat nap around 5 pm but only for 30-45 minutes.

Eating: You are eating 8 oz every 2-3 hours. I have tried to give you solids but you are not interested. You only like oatmeal still so Mommy needs to get creative. I am still pumping but this past week my milk supply has gone way down so I don't know how much longer I will pump. Luckily you drink formula (Gerber Goodstart) just fine.

Clothes: You are wearing 6-12 month clothes and a size 3 diaper.

Activity: You are sitting up but I have to sit you up first and then you sit up on your own. I actually think you are going to crawl before you sit up. You are on all fours and rocking back and fourth. I am not ready for you to crawl! You are also sitting in the double stroller facing forward right next to brother and you love it!

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